The words two, to and too

There are many words in the English language that are spelled differently, but sound the same. These words are called homophones.
The words two, to and too are homophones. When you speak them out loud, they sound the same. Listen to the audio files:
  • two
  • to
  • too
These words sound the same, but they do not have the same meaning:
  • two = the number 2: They have two children. / She leaves the house at two o'clock in the afternoon.
  • to = the preposition: Every year, they go to Spain in summer. / Can you take me to school, please?
  • too = the adverb, meaning also, likewise, in addition: I have a pet. Do you have one, too? / I'm going to get a drink. Do you want one, too?
These three words can be used in the same sentence: Will you go to the musical at two o'clock, too? We need two cars to get to the train station.
Note: the word too is mostly placed at the end of a sentence following a comma.

Die Wörter two, to und too

Es gibt Wörter in der englischen Sprache, die zwar unterschiedlich geschrieben werden, aber sich gleich anhören. Diese Wörter werden Homophone genannt.
Die Wörter two, to und too sind solche Homophone. Wenn du sie laut aussprichst, hören sie sich gleich an. Hör dir die Audiodatei an:
  • two
  • to
  • too
Sie hören sich zwar gleich an, haben aber nicht die gleiche Bedeutung:
  • two = die Zahl 2: They have two children. / She leaves the house at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
  • to = die Präposition: They go to Spain in summer. / Can you take me to school, please?
  • too = das Adverb mit der Bedeutung "auch": I have a pet. Do you have one, too? / I go and get a drink. Do you want one, too?
Diese 3 Wörter können zusammen in einem Satz stehen:
Do you go to the musical at 2 o'clock, too? We need two cars to get to the train station.
Beachte: das Wort too steht meistens am Ende des Satzes nach einem Komma.
Listen to the audio files and read the sentences. Decide which of the three words should be used in the sentences: two, to or too.
Hör dir die Audiodateien an. Entscheide, welche der 3 Wörter in den Sätzen gebraucht werden: two, to oder too.

  • He will go the doctor's at o'clock in the afternoon.

  • Her brother has children, ⁠.

  • My friend has dogs! I want a dog, ⁠!

  • Our neighbours will travel the USA next week. We want to go there, ⁠. But not before next year.
Now practise your skills:
Schule nun deine Fertigkeiten:
