Unit test

How much have you remembered from this unit?
Check your knowledge with this short test.

Unit Test

Wieviel hast du von dieser Unit im Gedächtnis behalten?
Prüfe dein Wissen mit diesem kurzen Test.
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Welche Inhalte sollen angezeigt werden?
Welchen Inhalt möchtest du eingeben?
Practise the 's-genitive. Decide what you need:
  • the possessive 's;
  • a plural s' with an apostrophe;
  • only the apostrophe '.
Look at the example: The book of Anna Anna's book
Übe den 's-Genitiv. Entscheide, was du benötigst:
  • das besitzanzeigende 's;
  • das Plural- s' mit einem Apostroph;
  • nur ein Apostroph '.
Schau dir das Beispiel an: The book of Anna Anna's book
  1. The football of John. John football.
  2. The words of Jesus. Jesus words.
  3. The house of her parents. Her parent house.
  4. The friend of Thomas. Thomas friend.
  5. The phone of the brother. The brother phone.
  6. The dresses of the stewardesses. The stewardesses dresses.
Choose a typical reaction to the imperative form.
Wähle die logische Reaktion auf die Befehlsform.
  1. Steven, come inside! Dinner is ready.
    • Steven runs away.
    • Steven goes into the house.
  2. Peter, go away! Leave me alone.
    • Peter goes out of the room.
    • Peter starts to scream.
  3. Julia, go to bed!
    • Julia gets up and says: "Good night!"
    • Julia starts to watch a movie.
  4. Hey, don't look! It's a surprise.
    • The boy calls his father.
    • The boy closes his eyes.
Choose the correct preposition.
Wähle die richtige Präposition.
  1. Look, there is a cat hiding the car.
  2. There is water the bottle.
  3. A plane flies the clouds.
  4. Look, there is a picture of us the wall.
  5. They wait the school.
Great! You have finished the unit test!
Super, du bist mit dem Unit Test fertig!
