Unit test

How much have you remembered from this unit?
Check your knowledge with this short test.

Unit Test

Wieviel hast du von dieser Unit im Gedächtnis behalten?
Prüfe dein Wissen mit diesem kurzen Test.
Anzeige / Eingabe anpassen


Welche Inhalte sollen angezeigt werden?
Welchen Inhalt möchtest du eingeben?
Match the digital and analogue times using Drag and Drop.
Ordne die analoge Uhrzeit der digitalen Uhrzeit per Drag and Drop zu.
  • 6 o'clock (pm)
  • Ten minutes past 3 (pm)
  • 5 minutes to 4 (am)
  • A quarter to 8 (pm)
  • Half past 2 (pm)
  • 9 o'clock (am)
  • Ten minutes to 8 (pm)
  • A quarter past ten (pm)
  • 6:00 pm
  • 10:15 pm
  • 7:50 pm
  • 3:55 am
  • 3:10 pm
  • 9:00 am
  • 2:30 pm
  • 7:45 pm
Do the words need the article a or an?
Benötigen die Wörter den Artikel a oder an?
  • time
  • arm
  • example
  • adjective
  • week
  • door
  • day
  • elephant
  • bike
  • shop
  • number
  • umbrella
  • opinion
  • eye
  • English book
  • table
  • eagle
  • key
Write the correct definite article the or indefinite article a into the gaps.
Schreibe den korrekten bestimmten Artikel the oder unbestimmten Artikel a in die Lücke.
  • Michael says: "I have best friend. His name is Josh. He lives in small house outside the city. They have beautiful garden behind house. house is painted blue and there is fence around garden. I love going there. It's so nice and peaceful."
Write questions or answers with can. For example: Can they fly? Yes, they can fly. / No, they can't fly. Look at the pictures for help.
Schreibe Fragen oder Antworten mit can. Zum Beispiel: Can they fly? Yes, they can fly. / No, they can't fly. Schau dir die Bilder zur Hilfe an.
  • singer
    ⁠? No, he can't sing.
  • dancing
    ⁠? Yes, they can dance.
  • tennis-player
    Can they play tennis? No,⁠.
  • car-driver
    ⁠? Yes, he can drive.
  • swimming
    Can he swim? Yes,⁠.
Great, you've finished the unit test!
Toll, du hast den Unit Test beendet!
