Unit Test

How much do you remember from this unit?
Check what you have learned!


Wieviel hast du dir von dieser Unit gemerkt?
Teste, was du gelernt hast.
Read the following text. You can also listen to it. Then choose from the list below what Peter likes and what he doesn't like. Use the colour yellow for the things he likes and the colour orange for the things he doesn't like.
Peter has a new penpal. He introduces himself in his first e-mail. He writes:
Lies den folgenden Text. Du kannst ihn dir auch anhören. Wähle dann aus der unten stehenden Liste aus, was Peter mag und was er nicht mag. Benutze die gelbe Farbe für Dinge, die er mag und die orangene Farbe für Dinge, die er nicht mag.
Peter hat einen neuen Brieffreund. Er stellt sich ihm in seiner ersten E-Mail vor. Er schreibt:
"Hi Daniel. How are you? I'm fine. My name is Peter and I'm 16 years old. I come from London. In my free time, I do a lot of things. For example, I like playing the guitar and listening to music. I don't like reading though. I rather like playing games with my little brother and going outside. When I'm outside, I prefer riding my bike or playing football. Even though I like sports, I don't like playing volleyball or tennis. And I hate running! However, sometimes I like to go swimming. I also enjoy going to the city and meeting my friends. When I'm in the city, I can't stand sightseeing. What are your hobbies, Daniel? Do you like sports? Hope to hear from you soon! Take care, Peter."
Read the following answers and write the questions. Always use the same words as given in the answers. For example: __________? – No, he doesn't like reading. You write: Does he like reading? If you need help, read our grammar explanations on yes-no-questions.
Lies die folgenden Antworten und schreibe die Fragen dazu. Benutze immer dieselben Wörter, die in den Antworten gegeben sind. Zum Beispiel: __________? – No, he doesn't like reading. Du schreibst: Does he like reading? Wenn du Hilfe brauchst, lies unsere Grammatikerklärungen zu Entscheidungsfragen.
  1. ⁠? – Yes, she likes playing sports.
  2. ⁠? – No, he doesn't hate going outside.
  3. ⁠? – Yes, she likes playing the guitar.
  4. ⁠? – Yes, they enjoy playing board games.
  5. ⁠? – Yes, she enjoys horseback riding.
  6. ⁠? – Yes, they prefer drinking wine.
Decide, if you need the ing-form (Gerund) or not. If you need help you can look here.
Entscheide, ob du die ing-Form (Gerundium) verwenden musst oder nicht. Falls du Hilfe benötigst, kannst du hier schauen.
  1. Let's watch a movie! How about a movie?
  2. Let's ask Tom to come over! How about Tom to come over?
  3. Let's have soup for lunch! What about soup for lunch?
  4. Let's meet Mum for dinner! Shall we Mum for lunch?
  5. Let's walk the dog! Why not the dog?
  6. Let's go upstairs! Why not upstairs?
Complete the dialogue using the Drag and Drop exercise! Then practise it (with a partner).
Vervollständige den Dialog durch die Drag and Drop Übung! Dann übe ihn (mit einem Partner).
  • Yes, it's refrigerator! Do you need to know any other words?
  • You're very welcome!
  • Oh that's easy, it's computer!
  • Hey, I am just studying English. Do you know the English word for
  • Yes, what's
    in English?
  • Right, I forgot! Thank you for your help!
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