Describing what you see in a picture

Describe what you see in the picture. Fill in the gaps with a colour and the correct noun.

Beschreiben, was man auf einem Bild sieht

Schreibe, was du auf dem Bild siehst. Fülle die Lücken mit einer Farbe und dem richtigen Nomen aus. (Bilder hinzufügen)
  • blue-car
    There is a in this picture.
  • white-plane
    There is a in this picture.
  • yellow-house
    This is a ⁠.

Talking about possession

Rewrite the sentences as shown in the example. Use a possessive relation. Example: Julia has a new sweatshirt. Julia's new sweatshirt

Über Besitztümer reden

Schreibe die Sätze wie im Beispiel gezeigt um. Verwende die besitzanzeigende Form. Beispiel: Julia has a new sweatshirt. Julia's new sweatshirt.
  1. Anna has a beautiful ring.
  2. The kids have a great teacher.
  3. Johnny has a new bike.
  4. Mr. Smith has a red car.

Describing your hobbies and your weekly routine

Think about your hobbies and what you usually do Monday to Sunday. Write them down and use the structures you've learned so far: for example the simple present and the verb "to like". There is no right or wrong answer! You can take a look at and listen to the sample solution if you need to.

Describing your hobbies and your weekly routine

Think about your hobbies and what you usually do Monday to Sunday. Write them down and use the structures you've learned so far: for example the simple present and the verb "to like". There is no right or wrong answer! You can take a look at and listen to the sample solution if you need to.
My hobbies are horseback riding and playing baseball. I like all sports! On Monday, I usually stay at home and read a book. I like reading! On Tuesday, I sometimes go out to a restaurant and meet some friends. On Wednesday, I play baseball in the evening. On Thursday, I usually stay at home as well. On Friday and Saturday I often go out. I like dancing. On Sunday, I go horseback riding in the afternoon.


Describing what you are doing at the moment

Beschreiben, was du gerade tust

Imagine that some of your friends are visiting you. While they are at your place, another friend is calling you on the phone. He or she asks what you are doing at the moment. Think about your answer and write it down. Use the present progressive tense as well as some adverbs of time such as just, right now, at the moment, etc. There is no right or wrong answer! You can take a look at the sample solution if you need to.
Stell dir vor, dass einige deiner Freunde dich besuchen. Während sie bei dir zuhause sind, ruft dich ein anderer Freund an. Er fragt dich, was du gerade tust. Denke über deine Antwort nach und schreibe sie nieder. Verwende die Verlaufsform der Gegenwart sowie ein paar Adverbien der Zeit wie just, right now, at the moment, etc. Es gibt keine falsche oder richtige Anwort! Du kannst dir, wenn nötig, die Beispiellösung anschauen.
At the moment, some friends of mine are with me. We are just sitting around chatting. We are talking about old times. Some people are looking at photos from our school days. Others are searching for our classmates on the internet. Some are just smoking cigarettes outside.


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