Wortfeld: USA
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Halloween | |
Martin Luther King Day | |
Geburtstag Washingtons | |
Volkstrauertag | |
Unabhängigkeitstag | |
Tag der Arbeit | |
Kolumbus Tag | |
Tag der Veteranen | |
Erntedankfest | |
Weihnachten | |
Neujahr |
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Übersetzung:- Halloween
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Übersetzung:- Martin Luther King Day
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Übersetzung:- Geburtstag Washingtons
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Übersetzung anzeigen
Übersetzung:- Volkstrauertag
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Übersetzung:- Tag der Arbeit
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Übersetzung:- Kolumbus Tag
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Übersetzung:- Tag der Veteranen
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Spiele und Quiz : Vokabeln spielerisch vertiefen
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Halloween |
Thanksgiving |
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Wort und Bild
Thanksgiving | |
Independence Day | |
Christmas Day | |
New Year's Day | |
Halloween | |
Memorial Day | |
Veterans Day | |
Columbus Day |
Wort und Übersetzung
Veterans Day | Tag der Veteranen |
Independence Day | Unabhängigkeitstag |
Columbus Day | Kolumbus Tag |
Martin Luther King Day | Martin Luther King Day |
Thanksgiving | Erntedankfest |
Christmas Day | Weihnachten |
Labour Day | Tag der Arbeit |
New Year's Day | Neujahr |
Halloween | Halloween |
Washington's Birthday | Geburtstag Washingtons |
Memorial Day | Volkstrauertag |
Wort und Defintion
Labour Day | a holiday on the first Monday in September which celebrates the achievements of workers and the labour movement |
New Year's Day | a legal holiday in many countries to welcome the New Year on January 1 |
Memorial Day | holiday celebrated on the last Monday in May to honour the nation's war dead from the Civil War onwards |
Christmas Day | the 25th of December, a Christian holiday to commemorate the birth of Jesus |
Columbus Day | a holiday on the second Monday in October which honours Christopher Columbus, traditional discoverer of the Americas |
Washington's Birthday | the commemoration of Washington's birthday on the third Monday in February |
Veterans Day | a public holiday which honours all veterans of the United States armed forces |
Independence Day | the celebration of the Declaration of Independence, also called the Fourth of July |
Halloween | the eve of All Hallows' Day on the 31st of October; celebrated by children going door-to-door in costume and demanding candy with menaces |
Thanksgiving | a holiday which traditionally celebrates the giving of thanks for the autumn harvest |
Martin Luther King Day | a holiday celebrated on the third Monday in January to honour Martin Luther King, Jr., a Civil Rights leader |
Übersetzung und Definition
Volkstrauertag | holiday celebrated on the last Monday in May to honour the nation's war dead from the Civil War onwards |
Martin Luther King Day | a holiday celebrated on the third Monday in January to honour Martin Luther King, Jr., a Civil Rights leader |
Tag der Arbeit | a holiday on the first Monday in September which celebrates the achievements of workers and the labour movement |
Weihnachten | the 25th of December, a Christian holiday to commemorate the birth of Jesus |
Halloween | the eve of All Hallows' Day on the 31st of October; celebrated by children going door-to-door in costume and demanding candy with menaces |
Geburtstag Washingtons | the commemoration of Washington's birthday on the third Monday in February |
Neujahr | a legal holiday in many countries to welcome the New Year on January 1 |
Tag der Veteranen | a public holiday which honours all veterans of the United States armed forces |
Unabhängigkeitstag | the celebration of the Declaration of Independence, also called the Fourth of July |
Kolumbus Tag | a holiday on the second Monday in October which honours Christopher Columbus, traditional discoverer of the Americas |
Erntedankfest | a holiday which traditionally celebrates the giving of thanks for the autumn harvest |
Definition und Bild
the celebration of the Declaration of Independence, also called the Fourth of July | |
a holiday which traditionally celebrates the giving of thanks for the autumn harvest | |
a public holiday which honours all veterans of the United States armed forces | |
a holiday on the second Monday in October which honours Christopher Columbus, traditional discoverer of the Americas | |
holiday celebrated on the last Monday in May to honour the nation's war dead from the Civil War onwards | |
a legal holiday in many countries to welcome the New Year on January 1 | |
the 25th of December, a Christian holiday to commemorate the birth of Jesus | |
the eve of All Hallows' Day on the 31st of October; celebrated by children going door-to-door in costume and demanding candy with menaces |
Übersetzung und Bild
Weihnachten | |
Unabhängigkeitstag | |
Tag der Veteranen | |
Volkstrauertag | |
Erntedankfest | |
Halloween | |
Kolumbus Tag | |
Neujahr |