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New Year's Day
Good Friday
Easter Monday
May Day
Erster Maifeiertag
Spring Bank Holiday
Summer Bank Holiday
Bonfire Night
Bonfire Night
St. Andrew's Day
Tag des St. Andrew
Boxing Day
zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag
St. Patrick's Day
Tag des St. Patrick
  • Neujahr
    • New Year's Day, New Year's Days(Nomen)
    • Definition:
      • a legal holiday in many countries to welcome the New Year on January 1
    • Übersetzung:
      • Neujahr
    • Beispiel:
      • After celebrating, they were very tired on New Year's Day.
    • Good Friday, Good Fridays(Nomen)
    • Definition:
      • the Friday before Easter Sunday, believed by Christians to be the day on which Christ was crucified
    • Übersetzung:
      • Karfreitag
    • Beispiel:
      • Christians do not eat meat on Good Friday.
    • Easter Monday, Easter Mondays(Nomen)
    • Definition:
      • the Monday following the Easter holiday
    • Übersetzung:
      • Ostermontag
    • Beispiel:
      • On Easter Monday, the family usually attends church.
    • May Day, May Days(Nomen)
    • Definition:
      • the first day of May, a spring festival, a celebration of the beginning of spring and a world-wide workers' holiday
    • Übersetzung:
      • Erster Maifeiertag
    • Beispiel:
      • Some families go hiking on May Day.
    • Spring Bank Holiday, Spring Bank Holidays(Nomen)
    • Definition:
      • the last Monday in May
    • Übersetzung:
      • Frühlingsfeiertag
    • Beispiel:
      • This Spring Bank Holiday, we will visit our grandparents.
    • Summer Bank Holiday, Summer Bank Holidays(Nomen)
    • Definition:
      • the last Monday in August
    • Übersetzung:
      • Sommerfeiertag
    • Beispiel:
      • The children look forward to the Summer Bank Holiday.
  • Bonfire Night
    • Bonfire Night, Bonfire Nights(Nomen)
    • Definition:
      • a celebration, on the 5th of November, to remember the failure of the gunpowder plot of 1605
    • Übersetzung:
      • Bonfire Night
    • Beispiel:
      • On Bonfire Night, British people gather around bonfires.
    • St. Andrew's Day, St. Andrew's Days(Nomen)
    • Definition:
      • a Christian saint's day on November 30
    • Übersetzung:
      • Tag des St. Andrew
    • Beispiel:
      • People commemorate Saint Andrew on St. Andrew's Day.
    • Boxing Day, Boxing Days(Nomen)
    • Definition:
      • the day after Christmas Day, December 26th
    • Übersetzung:
      • zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag
    • Beispiel:
      • Usually, the family sees their friends on Boxing Day.
  • Tag des St. Patrick
    • St. Patrick's Day, St. Patrick's Days(Nomen)
    • Definition:
      • a Roman-Catholic holiday commemorating Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland on 17th of March
    • Übersetzung:
      • Tag des St. Patrick
    • Beispiel:
      • All over the world, people celebrate and have parties on St. Patrick's Day.

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New Year's Day
New Year's Day
St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Day
Bonfire Night
Bonfire Night

Wort und Übersetzung

Versuche: 0

Summer Bank Holiday
Good Friday
St. Patrick's Day
Tag des St. Patrick
Spring Bank Holiday
St. Andrew's Day
Tag des St. Andrew
Easter Monday
Bonfire Night
Bonfire Night
Boxing Day
zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag
New Year's Day
May Day
Erster Maifeiertag

Wort und Defintion

Versuche: 0

St. Patrick's Day
a Roman-Catholic holiday commemorating Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland on 17th of March
Good Friday
the Friday before Easter Sunday, believed by Christians to be the day on which Christ was crucified
May Day
the first day of May, a spring festival, a celebration of the beginning of spring and a world-wide workers' holiday
Spring Bank Holiday
the last Monday in May
Summer Bank Holiday
the last Monday in August
Bonfire Night
a celebration, on the 5th of November, to remember the failure of the gunpowder plot of 1605
St. Andrew's Day
a Christian saint's day on November 30
New Year's Day
a legal holiday in many countries to welcome the New Year on January 1
Easter Monday
the Monday following the Easter holiday
Boxing Day
the day after Christmas Day, December 26th

Übersetzung und Definition

Versuche: 0

the last Monday in August
Bonfire Night
a celebration, on the 5th of November, to remember the failure of the gunpowder plot of 1605
Tag des St. Patrick
a Roman-Catholic holiday commemorating Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland on 17th of March
a legal holiday in many countries to welcome the New Year on January 1
Erster Maifeiertag
the first day of May, a spring festival, a celebration of the beginning of spring and a world-wide workers' holiday
the last Monday in May
the Monday following the Easter holiday
the Friday before Easter Sunday, believed by Christians to be the day on which Christ was crucified
Tag des St. Andrew
a Christian saint's day on November 30
zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag
the day after Christmas Day, December 26th

Definition und Bild

Versuche: 0

St. Patrick's Day
a Roman-Catholic holiday commemorating Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland on 17th of March
New Year's Day
a legal holiday in many countries to welcome the New Year on January 1
Bonfire Night
a celebration, on the 5th of November, to remember the failure of the gunpowder plot of 1605

Übersetzung und Bild

Versuche: 0

St. Patrick's Day
Tag des St. Patrick
New Year's Day
Bonfire Night
Bonfire Night

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