Wortfeld: Krankheiten - Liste 1
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- Vokabeltrainer: Vokabeln üben und einprägen
- Spiele und Quiz: Vokabeln spielerisch vertiefen
erblich | |
Erbkrankheit | |
chronisch | |
ansteckend | |
Bakterium | |
Virus | |
Infektion | |
Ansteckungsgefahr | |
Risiko | |
ein Risiko eingehen | |
sich ausbreiten | |
schädlich / gefährlich | |
ungefährlich | |
leiden an |
Übersetzung anzeigen
Übersetzung:- Erbkrankheit
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Synonym(e):hereditary condition
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Übersetzung:- chronisch
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Übersetzung:- ansteckend
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Übersetzung:- Virus
Vokabeltrainer : Vokabeln üben und einprägen
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Spiele und Quiz : Vokabeln spielerisch vertiefen
Vervollständige das Wort, indem du die fehlenden Buchstaben eingibst!
hereditary |
chronic |
contagious |
bacterium |
virus |
infection |
risk |
spread |
harmful |
harmless |
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Wort und Bild
Wort und Übersetzung
take a risk | ein Risiko eingehen |
contagious | ansteckend |
suffer from | leiden an |
chronic | chronisch |
risk | Risiko |
harmless | ungefährlich |
bacterium | Bakterium |
virus | Virus |
hereditary disease | Erbkrankheit |
infection | Infektion |
risk of infection | Ansteckungsgefahr |
harmful | schädlich / gefährlich |
spread | sich ausbreiten |
hereditary | erblich |
Wort und Defintion
spread | to extend or become more widely present |
risk of infection | the danger of catching a disease from someone else |
hereditary disease | an abnormal condition of the body which is passed from a parent to their children or grand-children in the genes |
suffer from | to feel pain; to become worse |
chronic | that which continues over an extended period of time, often associated with suffering (long suffering); prolonged or slow to heal |
risk | the likelihood of a negative outcome |
hereditary | passed from a parent to their children or grand-children in the genes |
contagious | easily transmitted to other people |
virus | a submicroscopic infectious organism, now understood to be a non-cellular structure consisting of a core of DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat, often causing disease in the host organism |
infection | an uncontrolled growth of harmful microorganisms in a host |
harmful | of a kind likely to be damaging or injurious |
take a risk | |
harmless | not capable of causing danger |
bacterium | a single celled organism with no nucleus |
Übersetzung und Definition
Ansteckungsgefahr | the danger of catching a disease from someone else |
schädlich / gefährlich | of a kind likely to be damaging or injurious |
erblich | passed from a parent to their children or grand-children in the genes |
ein Risiko eingehen | |
ansteckend | easily transmitted to other people |
sich ausbreiten | to extend or become more widely present |
ungefährlich | not capable of causing danger |
leiden an | to feel pain; to become worse |
chronisch | that which continues over an extended period of time, often associated with suffering (long suffering); prolonged or slow to heal |
Infektion | an uncontrolled growth of harmful microorganisms in a host |
Bakterium | a single celled organism with no nucleus |
Erbkrankheit | an abnormal condition of the body which is passed from a parent to their children or grand-children in the genes |
Risiko | the likelihood of a negative outcome |
Virus | a submicroscopic infectious organism, now understood to be a non-cellular structure consisting of a core of DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat, often causing disease in the host organism |
Definition und Bild
a submicroscopic infectious organism, now understood to be a non-cellular structure consisting of a core of DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat, often causing disease in the host organism | |
a single celled organism with no nucleus |