Wortfeld: Arbeit - Grundlegendes - Liste 1
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Arbeit | |
arbeiten | |
bei der Arbeit | |
Arbeitsplatz | |
Beruf / Job | |
Arbeitsamt | |
Arbeitssuchender | |
Stellenangebot | |
Arbeit suchen | |
finden | |
schwierig | |
Arbeit / Arbeitskräfte | |
Arbeitsmarkt | |
beschäftigen | |
Arbeitgeber | |
Angestellter |
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Übersetzung:- Arbeitsamt
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Synonym(e):unemployment agency (AE), labour bureau, employment office
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Übersetzung:- Stellenangebot
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Übersetzung:- Arbeitsmarkt
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Synonym(e):job market, employment market
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Übersetzung:- Arbeitgeber
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Spiele und Quiz : Vokabeln spielerisch vertiefen
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work |
work |
workplace |
job |
find |
difficult |
labour |
employ |
employer |
employee |
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Wort und Übersetzung
labour | Arbeit / Arbeitskräfte |
work | arbeiten |
workplace | Arbeitsplatz |
job centre | Arbeitsamt |
difficult | schwierig |
job | Beruf / Job |
at work | bei der Arbeit |
look for a job | Arbeit suchen |
labour-market | Arbeitsmarkt |
employee | Angestellter |
employ | beschäftigen |
employer | Arbeitgeber |
job seeker | Arbeitssuchender |
job offer | Stellenangebot |
find | finden |
Wort und Defintion
find | to encounter, to discover something |
workplace | the place where someone works or is employed |
difficult | hard, not easy, requiring much effort |
job | an economic role for which a person is paid |
employee | the person who is employed by someone; who works for a company or another person |
job offer | an opportunity for somebody to work; a vacant job somewhere |
labour | effort expended on a particular task; workers in general; the workforce |
job centre | an official place that you can go to to find employment |
employer | a person, firm or other entity which pays for or hires the services of another person |
employ | to give someone work or a job |
at work | |
labour-market | the whole system which functions through the interaction of workers and employers; all the jobs that are available |
work | to do a specific task by employing physical or mental powers |
look for a job | |
job seeker | a person who is unemployed and is looking for a job |
Übersetzung und Definition
bei der Arbeit | |
Arbeitsmarkt | the whole system which functions through the interaction of workers and employers; all the jobs that are available |
Arbeitsamt | an official place that you can go to to find employment |
Arbeit suchen | |
Arbeitgeber | a person, firm or other entity which pays for or hires the services of another person |
beschäftigen | to give someone work or a job |
Angestellter | the person who is employed by someone; who works for a company or another person |
Arbeitssuchender | a person who is unemployed and is looking for a job |
Arbeit / Arbeitskräfte | effort expended on a particular task; workers in general; the workforce |
Stellenangebot | an opportunity for somebody to work; a vacant job somewhere |
schwierig | hard, not easy, requiring much effort |
Arbeitsplatz | the place where someone works or is employed |
finden | to encounter, to discover something |
arbeiten | to do a specific task by employing physical or mental powers |
Beruf / Job | an economic role for which a person is paid |