Wortfeld: Im Büro - Grundlegendes - Liste 2
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Management / Geschäftsleitung | |
managen / leiten | |
organisieren | |
Papierkram / Schreibarbeit | |
Bürotätigkeit | |
Mitarbeiter / Personal | |
Mitarbeiterraum / Personalraum | |
Arbeitsbedingung | |
stressig | |
beschäftigt |
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Übersetzung:- organisieren
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Synonym(e):organize (AE)
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Übersetzung anzeigen
Übersetzung:- Arbeitsbedingung
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Vokabeltrainer : Vokabeln üben und einprägen
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Spiele und Quiz : Vokabeln spielerisch vertiefen
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management |
manage |
organise |
paperwork |
staff |
staffroom |
stressful |
busy |
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Wort und Bild
Wort und Übersetzung
management | Management / Geschäftsleitung |
busy | beschäftigt |
paperwork | Papierkram / Schreibarbeit |
staffroom | Mitarbeiterraum / Personalraum |
staff | Mitarbeiter / Personal |
manage | managen / leiten |
stressful | stressig |
desk job | Bürotätigkeit |
working condition | Arbeitsbedingung |
organise | organisieren |
Wort und Defintion
stressful | something that irritates or causes stress |
manage | to direct or be in charge of something; to handle or control a situation or job |
working condition | the conditions and circumstances under which one works, like the salary, working hours, etc. |
staff | the employees of a business |
organise | to arrange in working order; to constitute in parts, each having a special function, act, office, or relation |
staffroom | a room set aside for the use by staff |
management | the executives of an organisation, especially senior executives |
busy | having a lot of things to do in the space of time given; engaged in another activity or by someone else |
desk job | an employment position in which one remains mostly seated at a desk, performing routine office work |
paperwork | a clerical task or set of tasks involving routine written work |
Übersetzung und Definition
managen / leiten | to direct or be in charge of something; to handle or control a situation or job |
stressig | something that irritates or causes stress |
beschäftigt | having a lot of things to do in the space of time given; engaged in another activity or by someone else |
Mitarbeiterraum / Personalraum | a room set aside for the use by staff |
Mitarbeiter / Personal | the employees of a business |
Bürotätigkeit | an employment position in which one remains mostly seated at a desk, performing routine office work |
Papierkram / Schreibarbeit | a clerical task or set of tasks involving routine written work |
Arbeitsbedingung | the conditions and circumstances under which one works, like the salary, working hours, etc. |
Management / Geschäftsleitung | the executives of an organisation, especially senior executives |
organisieren | to arrange in working order; to constitute in parts, each having a special function, act, office, or relation |
Definition und Bild
![]() | the employees of a business |
![]() | an employment position in which one remains mostly seated at a desk, performing routine office work |
![]() | a room set aside for the use by staff |
![]() | having a lot of things to do in the space of time given; engaged in another activity or by someone else |
![]() | a clerical task or set of tasks involving routine written work |
Übersetzung und Bild
![]() | Mitarbeiterraum / Personalraum |
![]() | Mitarbeiter / Personal |
![]() | Bürotätigkeit |
![]() | Papierkram / Schreibarbeit |
![]() | beschäftigt |