| |
| Nuss |
| Walnuss |
| Haselnuss |
| Erdnuss |
| Kastanie |
| Hülse |
- Sometimes I put nuts into my salad.
walnut, walnuts[ˈwɑlnət](Nomen)
- nuts that grow within a brown, outer husk
hazelnut, hazelnuts['heɪzəlnʌt](Nomen)
- a cob that is roughly spherical to oval, about 15–25 mm long and 10–15 mm in diameter, with an outer fibrous husk surrounding a smooth shell
- How about some walnuts or hazelnuts?
peanut, peanuts[ˈpiːˌnʌt](Nomen)
- a legume resembling a nut in a wrinkled shell, popularly eaten salted
- I want peanut butter on my sandwich!
chestnut, chestnuts[ˈtʃɛs.nʌt](Nomen)
- a fruit that is contained in a spiny (very sharp) cupule 5–11 cm in diameter which is often paired or clustered on the branch and contains one to seven nuts
- Let's go and collect some chestnuts!
shell, shells[ʃɛl](Nomen)
- the hard external covering of something, of a nut or an egg for example
- Can you get the hazelnut out of its shell?
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nut |
walnut |
hazelnut |
peanut |
chestnut |
shell |
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Wort und Bild
Versuche: 0hazelnut | |
shell | |
walnut | |
peanut | |
chestnut | |
nut | |
Wort und Übersetzung
Versuche: 0nut | Nuss |
hazelnut | Haselnuss |
shell | Hülse |
peanut | Erdnuss |
chestnut | Kastanie |
walnut | Walnuss |
Wort und Defintion
Versuche: 0shell | the hard external covering of something, of a nut or an egg for example |
walnut | nuts that grow within a brown, outer husk |
hazelnut | a cob that is roughly spherical to oval, about 15–25 mm long and 10–15 mm in diameter, with an outer fibrous husk surrounding a smooth shell |
chestnut | a fruit that is contained in a spiny (very sharp) cupule 5–11 cm in diameter which is often paired or clustered on the branch and contains one to seven nuts |
nut | a hard-shelled seed |
peanut | a legume resembling a nut in a wrinkled shell, popularly eaten salted |
Übersetzung und Definition
Versuche: 0Walnuss | nuts that grow within a brown, outer husk |
Kastanie | a fruit that is contained in a spiny (very sharp) cupule 5–11 cm in diameter which is often paired or clustered on the branch and contains one to seven nuts |
Hülse | the hard external covering of something, of a nut or an egg for example |
Erdnuss | a legume resembling a nut in a wrinkled shell, popularly eaten salted |
Nuss | a hard-shelled seed |
Haselnuss | a cob that is roughly spherical to oval, about 15–25 mm long and 10–15 mm in diameter, with an outer fibrous husk surrounding a smooth shell |
Definition und Bild
Versuche: 0 | a legume resembling a nut in a wrinkled shell, popularly eaten salted |
| a fruit that is contained in a spiny (very sharp) cupule 5–11 cm in diameter which is often paired or clustered on the branch and contains one to seven nuts |
| the hard external covering of something, of a nut or an egg for example |
| nuts that grow within a brown, outer husk |
| a hard-shelled seed |
| a cob that is roughly spherical to oval, about 15–25 mm long and 10–15 mm in diameter, with an outer fibrous husk surrounding a smooth shell |
Übersetzung und Bild
Versuche: 0 | Walnuss |
| Nuss |
| Haselnuss |
| Kastanie |
| Erdnuss |
| Hülse |