Wortfeld: Früchte - Liste 2
- Vokabelliste: Neue Vokabeln lernen
- Vokabeltrainer: Vokabeln üben und einprägen
- Spiele und Quiz: Vokabeln spielerisch vertiefen
Beere | |
Stachelbeere | |
Erdbeere | |
Himbeere | |
Brombeere | |
Blaubeere / Heidelbeere | |
Moosbeere | |
Johannisbeere | |
Traube | |
Rosine | |
Schwarze Johannisbeere | |
Pflaume | |
Backpflaume | |
Melone | |
Wassermelone | |
Buttermelone | |
Kokosnuss |
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Übersetzung:- Stachelbeere
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Übersetzung:- Erdbeere
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Übersetzung anzeigen
Übersetzung:- Blaubeere
- Heidelbeere
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Übersetzung:- Moosbeere
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imgserver-20-71059054Bild anzeigen
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Übersetzung:- Traube
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Übersetzung anzeigen
Übersetzung:- Wassermelone
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Übersetzung anzeigen
Übersetzung:- Buttermelone
Details anzeigen
Synonym(e):rockmelon, muskmelon
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Übersetzung:- Kokosnuss
Vokabeltrainer : Vokabeln üben und einprägen
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Spiele und Quiz : Vokabeln spielerisch vertiefen
Vervollständige das Wort, indem du die fehlenden Buchstaben eingibst!
berry |
gooseberry |
strawberry |
raspberry |
blackberry |
blueberry |
cranberry |
currant |
grape |
raisin |
plum |
prune |
melon |
watermelon |
cantaloupe |
coconut |
Erratene Wörter:
Klicke auf die beiden Karten, die zusammengehören!
Wort und Bild
currant | |
black currant | |
cantaloupe | |
berry | |
plum | |
cranberry | |
prune | |
coconut | |
raisin | |
blackberry | |
watermelon | |
gooseberry | |
raspberry | |
strawberry | |
blueberry |
Wort und Übersetzung
blueberry | Blaubeere / Heidelbeere |
coconut | Kokosnuss |
cantaloupe | Buttermelone |
melon | Melone |
watermelon | Wassermelone |
black currant | Schwarze Johannisbeere |
blackberry | Brombeere |
currant | Johannisbeere |
prune | Backpflaume |
raisin | Rosine |
gooseberry | Stachelbeere |
plum | Pflaume |
berry | Beere |
raspberry | Himbeere |
grape | Traube |
Wort und Defintion
cantaloupe | a type of melon, with sweet orange flesh and a rough skin resembling netting |
blackberry | a juicy, small, black berry, usually sweet or a little sour, growing on bushes |
gooseberry | a generally hairy berry, but in one variety smooth, usually of green colour, but there are also red variants and occasionally deep purple berries |
berry | a small, soft fruit which develops from a superior ovary and contains seeds not encased in pits |
raisin | a dark, dried grape |
watermelon | a variety of melon, having a green rind and watery flesh that is bright red when ripe and contains black pips |
plum | an edible, fleshy stone fruit, often of a dark red or purple colour |
grape | a small, round, smooth-skinned edible fruit, usually purple, red, or green, that grows in bunches on certain vines |
raspberry | a juicy, small, red berry, usually sweet, growing on bushes in the summer |
prune | the dried, wrinkled fruit of certain species of plum |
cranberry | a berry that is larger than the leaves of its plant, being initially white, but turning a deep red when fully ripe, having an acidic taste that can overwhelm its sweetness |
melon | various members of the Cucurbitaceae family with fleshy fruit which is a false berry, the plant growing as a vine |
strawberry | a juicy, usually red, edible fruit of certain plants growing just above the ground, often made into jam |
blueberry | an edible round berry belonging to the cowberry family, a botanically false berry, with flared crowns at the end that turn dark blue on ripening |
black currant | small, very dark purple, edible berries |
Übersetzung und Definition
Wassermelone | a variety of melon, having a green rind and watery flesh that is bright red when ripe and contains black pips |
Traube | a small, round, smooth-skinned edible fruit, usually purple, red, or green, that grows in bunches on certain vines |
Blaubeere / Heidelbeere | an edible round berry belonging to the cowberry family, a botanically false berry, with flared crowns at the end that turn dark blue on ripening |
Pflaume | an edible, fleshy stone fruit, often of a dark red or purple colour |
Himbeere | a juicy, small, red berry, usually sweet, growing on bushes in the summer |
Buttermelone | a type of melon, with sweet orange flesh and a rough skin resembling netting |
Stachelbeere | a generally hairy berry, but in one variety smooth, usually of green colour, but there are also red variants and occasionally deep purple berries |
Backpflaume | the dried, wrinkled fruit of certain species of plum |
Beere | a small, soft fruit which develops from a superior ovary and contains seeds not encased in pits |
Johannisbeere | a very small, round and glossy berry, usually red or black, tasting a little sour |
Moosbeere | a berry that is larger than the leaves of its plant, being initially white, but turning a deep red when fully ripe, having an acidic taste that can overwhelm its sweetness |
Schwarze Johannisbeere | small, very dark purple, edible berries |
Kokosnuss | the fruit of the coconut palm, having a fibrous husk surrounding a large hard-shelled seed which has white flesh and a fluid filled central cavity |
Brombeere | a juicy, small, black berry, usually sweet or a little sour, growing on bushes |
Erdbeere | a juicy, usually red, edible fruit of certain plants growing just above the ground, often made into jam |
Definition und Bild
small, very dark purple, edible berries | |
an edible round berry belonging to the cowberry family, a botanically false berry, with flared crowns at the end that turn dark blue on ripening | |
a small, round, smooth-skinned edible fruit, usually purple, red, or green, that grows in bunches on certain vines | |
a juicy, small, black berry, usually sweet or a little sour, growing on bushes | |
a type of melon, with sweet orange flesh and a rough skin resembling netting | |
a juicy, small, red berry, usually sweet, growing on bushes in the summer | |
the dried, wrinkled fruit of certain species of plum | |
a berry that is larger than the leaves of its plant, being initially white, but turning a deep red when fully ripe, having an acidic taste that can overwhelm its sweetness | |
a juicy, usually red, edible fruit of certain plants growing just above the ground, often made into jam | |
a dark, dried grape | |
a generally hairy berry, but in one variety smooth, usually of green colour, but there are also red variants and occasionally deep purple berries | |
a very small, round and glossy berry, usually red or black, tasting a little sour | |
a variety of melon, having a green rind and watery flesh that is bright red when ripe and contains black pips | |
a small, soft fruit which develops from a superior ovary and contains seeds not encased in pits | |
an edible, fleshy stone fruit, often of a dark red or purple colour |
Übersetzung und Bild
Himbeere | |
Brombeere | |
Blaubeere / Heidelbeere | |
Beere | |
Traube | |
Johannisbeere | |
Erdbeere | |
Wassermelone | |
Melone | |
Stachelbeere | |
Kokosnuss | |
Buttermelone | |
Schwarze Johannisbeere | |
Backpflaume | |
Moosbeere |