| |
| Vorspeise |
| Suppe |
| Salat |
| grüner Salat |
starter, starters['stɑː(r)tə(r)](Nomen)
- the first course of a meal, consisting of a small, usually savoury, dish
- What would you like for starters, please?
- a liquid dish made by boiling water with various ingredients, such as meat and vegetables, to extract flavour
- Let's have a tomato soup for starters.
salad, salads[ˈsaləd](Nomen)
- food made primarily of a mixture of raw or cold ingredients, typically vegetables, usually served with a dressing such as vinegar or mayonnaise
- Can I have a small green salad?
green salad, green salads(Nomen)
- usually just a green leaf salad withouth any other vegetables
- I prefer a green salad to a mixed salad.
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Wort und Übersetzung
Versuche: 0starter | Vorspeise |
green salad | grüner Salat |
salad | Salat |
soup | Suppe |
Wort und Defintion
Versuche: 0soup | a liquid dish made by boiling water with various ingredients, such as meat and vegetables, to extract flavour |
green salad | usually just a green leaf salad withouth any other vegetables |
salad | food made primarily of a mixture of raw or cold ingredients, typically vegetables, usually served with a dressing such as vinegar or mayonnaise |
starter | the first course of a meal, consisting of a small, usually savoury, dish |
Übersetzung und Definition
Versuche: 0Salat | food made primarily of a mixture of raw or cold ingredients, typically vegetables, usually served with a dressing such as vinegar or mayonnaise |
grüner Salat | usually just a green leaf salad withouth any other vegetables |
Vorspeise | the first course of a meal, consisting of a small, usually savoury, dish |
Suppe | a liquid dish made by boiling water with various ingredients, such as meat and vegetables, to extract flavour |
Definition und Bild
Versuche: 0 | food made primarily of a mixture of raw or cold ingredients, typically vegetables, usually served with a dressing such as vinegar or mayonnaise |
| usually just a green leaf salad withouth any other vegetables |
| a liquid dish made by boiling water with various ingredients, such as meat and vegetables, to extract flavour |